Saturday, 2 December 2006

SURNAME ORIGIN....continue...

Following other studies and researches, someone says instead that the surname Morabito comes from a Berber dynasty: the Almoravid dynasty.

Almoravides (In Arabic المرابطون al-Murabitun, sing. مرابط Murabit), was a Berber dynasty from the Sahara that flourished over a wide area of North-Western Africa and the Iberian peninsula during the 11th century.

Under this dynasty the Moorish empire was extended over present-day Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Gibraltar, Tlemcen (in Algeria) and a great part of what is now Senegal and Mali in the south, and Spain and Portugal in the north.

The exact meaning of "Murabit" is still a matter of controversy. The name may not be derived from the Arabic ribat, or fortress (a term with which it shares the root r-b-t) as was the common opinion some time ago.


ryahya said... an "Morabit" is the word derived from grouping in defense of a cause..and yes Morabiton is the name of Moroccan dynasty founded by Youcef ibnou Tachfine ! However the word is used for those nobles decent of prophet Mohamed ( PBUH) - The Morabiton are religious groups that came to Spain from time to time during 800 years of the Arab Moroccan's ruling Spain, and re-focused the ruling parties from a religious standpoint !
To be a Morabit descent is great Honor amongst the Arabs .those Italians/Spanish who have this name should check there heritage via DNA through National Geography to know for sure who they are ......When the Moroccan/Moorish empire failed to rule in 1492..many Moroccan/moorish were driven off from Spain to Italy ( Calabria and Sicily) As an example there are many Spanish people in USA, Puerto Rico with names ending with "S" as oppose to "Z" ( rodrigues # rodriguez) that found out that they were Arab descendant and they were give these names by Spanish government after the fall of the Moroccan/Moorish Empire in 1492 and after were slaved to new world by Spanish government....

Mauro Morabito said...

Thanks Ryahya for your comment!
I've found really intersting reading the book "The Hand of Fatima" by Ildefonso Falcones. It describes the period you are referring to.